TV Thoughts – Person of Interest

TV Thoughts – Person of Interest

*** Some Spoilers ahead ***

Note: This was written immediately after I had watched the series finale in 2016. 

 It’s been 5 years since I started watching “Person of Interest” and what a ride it has been. I’ve must have said it countless of times before, POI is simply a brilliant, brilliant TV show.

From the writers, to the producers, to the directors, the crew and the superb cast, POI has never failed to deliver on its core premise of questioning and challenging the benefits and problems associated with technology, privacy and surveillance in society. For a technology-focused show, the series never skimped on exploring the relationships between and among its characters.

And it is perhaps one of the few shows out there that does such a great job of exploring and having its characters grow over the course of the entire show. And we are not just talking about the main cast, it holds true for several of the secondary cast.

How many shows out there can you name that had you feeling all kinds of emotions for characters that are not even secondary characters?! That’s the brilliance of POI.

Just watched the series finale and while it didn’t go out in the big blazes of glory that seems to accompany most finales nowadays (not that there was a lack of action, there was plenty! And how good was the music! It fitted the series finale so well!!), the team chose to end the series in a quiet, reflective, poignant and philosophical manner. Typical POI. And so typically good.

Did the machine win? What happens next? Do we learn from this or will humanity repeat the same mistakes? Did it make a difference?

I find the quiet, bittersweet ending and the final questions it left for the viewers fitting for POI. In the end, the moments that truly matters is how we are remembered.

Harold, John, Carter, Fusco, Shaw, Root, Bear and of-course, the Machine. It’s been great watching your stories unfold on screen.

Thank you Jonathan Nolan, Greg Plageman, the writers and the entire cast for bringing us this wonderful and brilliant show. I will miss watching new episodes of the series.

Definitely one series for the keeps. Thank you “Person of Interest”.


An electronic couch potato stuffed with bookworms. Aspiring to be a full-time traveler while trying to figure out what to do with her continuing growing collection of anime/manga merchandises over the years.

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